An experienced teacher and Bahá’í, Debbie Tibbey writes about the nature of evil: is it a force in itself, or something else? Perhaps the simplest way to explain the Bahá’i teaching about evil is to compare it to light and […]
Latest News
The Festival of Ridvan
Ridvan is a twelve-day festival, from the 13th day of Jalal to the 5th of Jamal of the Baha’i calendar. In 2020, the first day of Ridvan is 20 April. This festival commemorates the twelve days that Bahá’u’lláh spent in the […]
Who was the Báb?
Two days ago, Bahá’ís around the world commemorated the martyrdom of the Báb, who was the forerunner of Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of this Faith. The Báb and his followers were persecuted throughout the six short years of his mission, and […]
In the Bahá’í writings, there is huge importance placed upon the individual to develop personal characteristics referred to as ‘virtues’. I have mentioned before about the Bahá’i-inspired Virtues Project, and the quote from Bahá’u’lláh’s writings, which sets the context for […]
Music – a ladder for the soul
One of the joys of social media is the facility to share and access music from around the world, commercially produced or home-grown. Bahá’ís enjoy music in its many forms, and recognise its power to heighten spiritual awareness. Debbie Tibbey […]
Pastoral care of Bahá’í children in schools
Do you have a child from a Bahá’í family in your school or class? Would you like to know more about Bahá’í practices and Holy Days? If so, a newly-published leaflet will be of interest to you. The leaflet explains […]
Back to school
The new school year is well under way, but for many children (and teachers!) it can take a while to settle in. Here’s an extract from a blog written for the RE:Online resources website by experienced teacher and Bahá’í, Debbie […]
Some reading for the summer…
School summer holidays are here for most of us, and we’d like to announce a Bahá’í blog which may interest teachers and others. Paddy Vickers, who is a retired RE teacher, has begun writing a current affairs blog, written to […]
Short Selections from the Bahá’í Writings
We are pleased to announce that a new booklet is available: “Short Selections from the Bahá’í Writings”. This small (A6) booklet gives an idea of the range of subjects covered in the Bahá’í Writings, from spiritual to practical subjects, from […]
Create in me a pure heart
An experienced teacher and Bahá’í, Debbie Tibbey, contributes to a regular blog on the Bahá’í Faith hosted by RE:Online. If you haven’t read her previous entries, do go and take a look. In her most recent post, Debbie talks about […]