There are several other resources that may be useful to teachers, suitable for more than one age group.

As with the age-specific materials, we would love to hear about your experiences of using any of our materials, so do please let us know how you get on, using the contact form.

The downloadable file gives a selection of quotations from the Bahá’í writings, some of which may be used for display purposes or as subjects for discussion. Certain of these might also be useful for lessons other than RE.

pdfSelection of quotations

A website maintained by the Bahá’ís of Derry offers a selection of short quotations presented with attractive illustrated backgrounds, that might be used for a classroom display or as part of a presentation.  Click on this link.
Online quiz

This link will take you to the Education Quizzes website, which offers a set of questions under 19 different topics, all relating to the Bahá’í Faith.

Bahá'í Holy Days

Bahá’í Holy Days change from year to year according to the solar and lunar calendars.  The document below gives the dates for the Holy Days up to 2065.  To see the Holy Days and special events coming up in the next few months, please click on the relevant date in the side panel.

pdfList of Bahá’í dates

Virtues-based educational resources

A virtues-based curriculum has been developed by the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues of the University of Birmingham.

The programmes of study and associated lesson plans are available to download for Primary and Secondary teachers.

Useful websites

Following these links will allow you to explore the Bahá’í Faith further. – the official website of the worldwide Bahá’í community – the website of the UK Bahá’í community – a media library providing photographs of the Bahá’í community, historical figures, events and activities, Houses of Worship, and holy places that may be downloaded – a reference library providing complete electronic versions of all the major texts, for viewing online – a website similar to Wikipedia with information about the holy figures, teachings and statistics. Like Wikipedia, the information on this site is not official or verified.  When in doubt, please refer to one of the official sites listed above.

RE Online: Bahá’í content – six units, based on the 2004 QCA non-statutory framework for Religious Education and the Areas of Enquiry. They provide not only a comprehensive guide to the factual and belief structures of the Bahá’í Faith, but also address the issues that Bahá’ís encounter in the modern world

Programmes of study in virtues education – developed by the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues of the University of Birmingham:  primary and secondary programmes available.

Images and Maps

Teachers and students should be aware that the Bahá’ís do not represent any of the Messengers of God in photos, images or other art forms, so pupils should not be encouraged to make pictures of the Báb or Bahá’u’lláh.  It is acceptable to make or use pictures of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.

Click on the thumbnails below to access good quality images of the Bahá’í Houses of Worship.

Santiago, Chile

New Delhi, India

Frankfurt, Germany

Kampala, Uganda

Panama City, Panama

Apia, Samoa

Sydney, Australia

Wilmette, Illinois, USA

The following download is a map of Bahá’u’lláh’s travels following his exile from Iran in 1863.

Map of Bahá’u’lláh’s exile (.jpg)

Map of Bahá’u’lláh’s exile (PDF)