Feast of Will

This is the first day of the eleventh month in the Bahá'í year, called Mashiyyat (meaning 'will').  Each year has nineteen months of nineteen days each, with the Intercalary Days falling at the end of February.  On the first day of [...]

Feast of Knowledge

This is the first day of the twelfth month in the Bahá'í year, called 'Ilm (meaning 'knowledge').  Each year has nineteen months of nineteen days each, with the Intercalary Days falling at the end of February.  On the first day [...]

Feast of Power

This is the first day of the thirteenth month in the Bahá'í year, called Qudrat (meaning 'power').  Each year has nineteen months of nineteen days each, with the Intercalary Days falling at the end of February.  On the first day of [...]

Feast of Speech

This is the first day of the fourteenth month in the Bahá'í year, called Qawl (meaning 'speech').  Each year has nineteen months of nineteen days each, with the Intercalary Days falling at the end of February.  On the first day of [...]

Feast of Questions

This is the first day of the fifteenth month in the Bahá'í year, called Masa'il (meaning 'questions').  Each year has nineteen months of nineteen days each, with the Intercalary Days falling at the end of February.  On the first day [...]

Feast of Honour

This is the first day of the sixteenth month in the Bahá'í year, called Sharaf (meaning 'honour').  Each year has nineteen months of nineteen days each, with the Intercalary Days falling at the end of February.  On the first day [...]