Feast of Sovereignty

This is the first day of the seventeenth month in the Bahá'í year, called Sultan (meaning 'sovereignty'). Each year has nineteen months of nineteen days each, with the Intercalary Days falling at the end of February. On the first day of [...]

Feast of Dominion

This is the first day of the eighteenth month in the Bahá'í year, called Mulk (meaning 'dominion').  Each year has nineteen months of nineteen days each, with the Intercalary Days falling at the end of February.  On the first day of [...]

Intercalary Days (Ayyam-i-Ha)

The Ayyam-i-Ha (or Intercalary Days) are a period of time when Bahá'ís focus more than usually on hospitality, charity, giving gifts and preparing for the month of fasting. The Ayyam-i-Ha are of four or five days' duration.  They are the days that fall outside the [...]

Feast of Splendour

This is the first day of the first month in the Bahá'í year, called Bahá (meaning 'splendour' or 'glory').  Each year has nineteen months of nineteen days each, with the Intercalary Days falling at the end of February.  On the first day [...]

Festival of Naw-Ruz (New Year)

Naw Rúz is the ancient Persian festival marking the beginning of spring (the spring equinox) and the start of a new year.  For Bahá'ís it is also the day that marks the end of the month of fasting. Naw-Rúz is [...]